Protect The Integrity
Of The Ahtna Region
At Copper River Native Association, Tribal Community Services, we know that you want to be a hopeful, active advocate for a healthy environment and planet. To do that, you need education and up-to-date information on climate change and leadership to help you become involved in your community to protect the planet’s future. The problem is the topic of climate warming, intersectionality, and food impact can be complicated, difficult, and time-consuming to study and research. This can make you feel overwhelmed, depressed, confused, anxious and out of control.
At CRNA we believe everyone deserves clean air and water, affordable nutritious food, and a unpolluted habitat. We know you want information that can help you make a difference in the impact and protection of these treasures. We understand that connectedness to the land is at the heart of everything you do, so CRNA’s climate change information, through Tribal Community Services, is so important for the Copper River Valley Community and beyond. Here’s how we can help you.
1. Visit our website and learn from our resources. Our Climate Change Coordinator can be a wonderful resource to help guide you through the information.
2. Measure your impact on the planet. Once you have the information, you can put together a personalized or family plan to reduce the impact that you are making.
3. Encourage others to start the process too. Share what you have learned and pass along the knowledge and tools that you have gained to create a positive ripple effect in our communities.
Take action today. In the meantime, visit our website to see presentations, tools, and websites that can empower you. You can stop feeling overwhelmed and out of control as you think about climate change. Walk away from the idea that you are helpless or can’t make a difference in managing or navigating the global warming crisis. Instead increase your knowledge, take a personal action step and become a leader for your community and world. Minimizing your effect on climate change and can make a difference for our land, food sources, and environment.