Frequently Asked Questions

A Good Place to Start
Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Custom Orthotics, Dry Needling and Smoking Cessation.
Wellness services covered by insurance are subject to patients' selected carrier and plan options. Please contact our office manager at 907-822-5241 to discuss treatment coverage. CRNA does accept most major insurances.
Pediatric occupational therapy uses evidence-based strategies and play-based interventions helping children develop and improve important skills they need to be successful and function independently in everyday life. Additionally, it helps children overcome sensory, motor, behavioral, social, and learning issues that affect their ability to perform everyday tasks such as school skills, play skills, and self-care skills.
Typical areas of concern include:
- Executive function skills (Problem Solving, Organizing, Planning, Focusing, Study Skills, Coordination and Motor skill development
- Completing tasks that seem easy for their peers / Ability to pay attention or participate in age-appropriate activities
- Visual skills including visual perceptual skills and ocular motor skills
- Behavioral challenges or social skill issues
- Learning disabilities, including handwriting or keyboarding
CRNA’s Freedom From Smoking is an eight week quit program free to Copper River Basin residents. Make an appointment with a CRNA provider to ensure nicotine replacement therapies do not compromise your current health. Wellness will follow up with a call to discuss your options for quitting.
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