Child Welfare Services
Indian Child Welfare Act (Cantwell)
CRNA works with the Office of Children Services (OCS) to ensure the children who have been removed by (OCS) are placed in the least restrictive setting
We assist with finding an Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) compliant home, preferably the child's Immediate Family member, a native home within the tribe, a native home outside of the tribe or a non-native home within the community with close ties to the family.
We also assist parents in working their case plan, so that they can reunite with their child.
Child Welfare Services
In 2017, the Copper River Native Association (CRNA) entered a compact with the state of Alaska and 17 Tribes, or Tribal organizations, to improve the outcomes and strengthen the child welfare services administered by the State directly and through co-signers.
Since then CRNA has added five scopes of work:
- Diligent Relative Searches
- Ongoing Diligent Relative Searches
- Safety Evaluations
- Licensing Service
- Family Contact
CRNA provides services for Native and Non-Native person in the following areas: Cantwell, Gakona, Gulkana, Kluti-Kaah, Tazlina, Glennallen, and Kenny Lake.